Monday, May 12, 2014

A Different View

So starting off something new is always a little difficult, but being as I feel like i have something important that needs to be stated, I figured I would start here. I've had a blog before that went absolutely nowhere other than a funny post here or there. After a informative weekend with a bunch of like minded people, and this pretty sweet peacock...

I figured i would share my thoughts, questions, concerns about the current state of things and my views as a...young woman? sounds kinda stupid. um...a human of the female variety.

I find it a bit interesting and a bit depressing at the same time how most people my age today, just don't get "it". By "it" I mean the shitty state of things going on in the United States right now. The corruption, the two face politicians, the backhanded deals going on in the White House. Although none of this is surprising or new to me, most people within my age bracket think everything is fine or dont care if it is. They only care about what is going on right now and what new Iphone is coming out. Now don't take me wrong, I love my smartphone...and my game systems...and Netflix....*ahem* anyways.

Now most 25 year old girls are more concerned about what new filter they can use on instagram for their #selfies, who is following them on their twitter accounts, or what celebrity is havin' babies named after directions. Although I do tend to take a bunch instagram photos of my cats, I also realize that all of these luxuries could go away with the drop of a hat...or an EMP...or another executive order by head asshat, for the American people to say "fuck it, I've had enough".

Believe me...BDU's are not very fashionable.Or comfortable. Especially since they are kinda made for guys, but get stuck in the rain in a pair of blue jeans and puma's instead of some goretex boots and tell me how damp and uncomfortable you are for the rest of the day. Freeze dried food isn't a's a baggie you add water to, to reconstitute whatever the hell they put in it. But hey, It's going to be better than starving. Never had of having an MRE yet, but hey, why try it until I have to.

I've heard it enough from my boyfriend that I tend to not see the world as most people my age do. This tends to lead to some interesting conversations with my friends and family that don't understand that this is part of me too. I've caught shit before for the canned goods, the bug out bag in my car, the fact that I can things, love getting away for a nice weekend in the woods (no plumbing included...and no wifi).

We currently live an hour away from my job. I've had friends/family tell me, you don't carry your gun enough to need it, you don't need a concealed carry permit, just move to MD. Yes...that's it. Move to MD. And that right there is the reason that I am starting this blog. The fact that having protection in MD would be based off of someone else's opinion of need and not my desire to be able to defend myself from threat is BS. And the fact that no one else would care about protecting their own rights and lives is just as scary.

So my boyfriend teaches classes on survival and tactics and things, and I tend to go when he teaches classes and have been doing so for the (over) two year's we've been together. Although I go mostly for support, you tend to pick up things along the way and it kind of...sticks. When I think about the state of the country these days, it scares me. Not knowing if by tomorrow, everything that we now know as reality will be gone and will be some sick version of One Second After...

I'm sure I will come up with some more perspectives on things, but i figured i would keep this short and sweet with enough explanation.

MDV out.


  1. Whitney,

    It was a pleasure meeting you and Chris at Brock's NC PatCon. I think it's awesome that you are adding "your" unique voice and perspective to the Liberty Conversation. We've stood steadfastly at the shoulders of our men. It's now time we stand BESIDE them; time we make our voices heard, too. Good for you!

    With Love & Support,

    Holly Kerodin

    1. Thanks so much Holly!

      We both had such a great weekend meeting all of you and am excited to come back next year. Thanks for all the support!


  2. Heya Vix,

    That is your new Callsign, hereby authorized by me. You are stuck with it till further notice. Just think it could be worse, we could call you "Peanut" or "Shades" or something cheesy like that. It was good to meet you, and Chris is a lucky guy to have found such capable, smart young lady. And you are lucky to have such a true Patriot as a partner. I look forward to hearing things from your point of view. Make no apologies, tell it straight and true, and remember you both have a room at our homesteads if needed. Montani Semper Liberi

    1. Works for me :) Vix it is. Very happy that we got to meet you. And yeah...he's alright. I guess I'll keep him haha

  3. I knew setting next to the hot chick would rub off ;-)
    Well done, young lady! Look forward to more.

  4. Hey there! Welcome to the fray!
    I'm stuck down in Texas, but hope to make it east some day to one of the PatCons and meet all of you good folks.
    But in the meantime, it's great to have another woman in the pack. Gets kinda lonely here. :-)
    Good luck and God speed!

  5. Hi Whitney - both Susan and I enjoyed meeting and talking with you. I've bookmarked you and look forward to your postings.


  6. Welcome to the fold Whitney. I'm looking forward to reading your blog.
    Miss Violet

  7. Thank you for all the support!

  8. Welcome to the exciting liberty blogiverse! Well, not too exciting until you write something the anti-liberty bigots hate, and they send the link to all their liberty-hating friends, who pile on with nasty comments. That's the BEST! LOL

  9. Welcome to the Fray Vix since that appears to be your call sign as set forth by Sandman. Now I wonder what the hell he calls me? :/
    Glad to see another Liberty woman in the Patriot blogsphere and it was fantastic to meet both your and Chris. Matter of fact, it was fantastic to meet a hell of a lot of people this time around. The networking that happens at the PatCon is only the start. It would appear that based on this recent PatCon, I know of 3 blogs that took birth, yours being one of them so congrats and I will be linking you soon on mine. Stay safe the both of you and cant wait to cross you and Chris' paths again.
    In Liberty,

    1. p.s. On a side note, I just realized after performing the captcha, my comment immediately posted. You may want to filter those as we Patriots that are actually doing something for the movement tend to attract all sorts of anonymous keyboard commando jackholes that have runners in their nylons.

    2. Fixed and Fixed :) thank you! And it was really awesome meeting you too.

  10. Welcome, welcome and welcome again.

    1. Thank you! and thanks for the mention in your blog. Much appreciated :)

  11. Welcome to the jungle. Its great having another read to occupy my day.

  12. Welcome to the Blogosphere! Hope to see you around...

